
Do you like anchovies? These anchovy-flavoured olives are ideal for your palate.

        The combination of quality olives, nutritious, healthy, exquisite flavour, with that of the anchoviesThe success of one of the most popular aperitifs is the formula for the success of this intense, genuine and perfect accompaniment to a wide variety of products: anchovy-flavoured olives.

        A olives green camomile varietyharvested and selected at the optimum time. When they have a prominent greenish-yellow colour and a more intense and luminous yellow colour. Also, it must be checked that they are in the the exact point of smoothness and salt in its seasoning. Finally, we add to this smooth texture the richness of the anchovy flavour.


The result is spectacular: the most exquisite aperitif. Fruit of the mixture of a marvellous product; very nutritious and that produces the seasoning and binding of all our meals. for millennia.

In particular, also from the Mediterranean, The flavour of another product of the Cantabrian Sea, no less healthy and of great tradition on our tables, should also be highlighted: the tasty little anchovy. It has powerful nuances and a mouth-watering taste for the palate. We can describe it in more words, but you will have to taste it to really appreciate it.



The qualities

Like company with a long tradition in production, dressing and packaging of table olives, our products enjoy all the qualities of this wonderful food: a good pulp to bone ratiowhich is small, a thin skin and its unmistakable flavour.

We select the olives at origin, controlling their process and traceability up to the point of consumption. We also continue to the great Sevillian tradition of table olive productioninnovating in techniques and recipes. As a result of all this, we have managed to create the star appetiser that will captivate you: the genuine anchovy-flavoured olive. The tasting of this fruit and its dressing will take you directly to the Cantabrian coast.

If you like anchovies, then you'll have to try the delicious, intense and aromatic anchovy-flavoured olives we offer you. A complete, healthy and balanced aperitif that you will enjoy with your friends, enjoying the moment.


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