Although there are many names by which this product is known: lupin, chochito, chorcho, entremozo or white lupin. Lupin is a leguminous species belonging to the Fabaceae family. It is small in size but has great health benefits. Together with olives from Seville, lupins are nutritional titans.

Lupins are one of the legumes with the lowest fat content in the body. They are also unsaturated fats that are good for the arteries. However, canned lupins are not highly recommended for people suffering from hypertension, heart problems or who need to reduce the level of salt in their diet, why? Because they are a salty snack.

What are the nutritional benefits of lupins?

With regard to their nutritional map, for every 100 grams, we obtain 40 grams of protein. We also get potassium, phosphorus, iron and zinc. Lupin is also perfect for diabetics, as it has hypoglycaemic properties, i.e. it reduces blood sugar levels. Another contribution to add is its rich content in vitamins E and B and its excellent fight against uric acid, stimulating cellular renovation.

Who are lupins beneficial for?

Lupins are also a great nutritional friend of athletes:

  • Athletes, because as well as providing them with proteins, they help them to recover electrolytes.
  • In the same way, due to their nutritional composition, they are a formidable food for people who want to reduce their cholesterol levels. Lupins are low in fat and generous in soluble fibre. Lupins are therefore great partners against constipation.
  • Moreover, their yellow colour is indicative of their zeaxanthin content, a flavonoid that helps to protect vision along with lutein.
  • Pregnant women. Thanks to its vitamin and mineral content such as magnesium, iron, calcium, among others. These are important for health, and also contain folic acid, which helps prevent congenital malformations in the baby.

As we can see, just like quality olives, this small leguminous species is a giant of healthy eating.

How can they be consumed?

It is very common to see canned lupins, but this is not the only way to consume them. These legumes can be cooked in many ways, and can be made into broths, stews or salads. Flour, oil and even pâté are also produced from them.

The benefits that lupins bring to our organism are excellent and varied. Snack time, as well as being delicious, can be healthy if we know how to choose well. You can opt for a plate of tasty manzanilla olives from Seville and another of delicious lupins. You will take care of your health while enjoying the flavour of your land.


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